Visit to Cincinnati
It's been awhile since I last posted. I've been in a deep depression I figured out and was confirmed by my doc last week.So much has happened since then.The most significant thing that happened is that...
View ArticleGardening
Ok, again it's been awhile since I posted. I am really going to try to update more frequently.A couple weeks ago we had Bob's cousins'(The Cuz) handyman come over and till up the back 40 here. Then we...
View ArticleHummingbirds may be racists; finches may be sexist
In our limited experience and non-membership in the Audubon Society Bob and I have made the decision that it appears hummingbirds are racist and finches are sexist.Some may say we have way too much...
View ArticleHappy Birthday to My Mom! (guest post)
Today is my Mom's birthday. Like most folks, she was born at a very early age. ;) She's documented many aspects of her life on this blog, and I am very deeply, sincerely proud that God chose her to be...
View ArticleHappy Birthday again
I can't believe I let a let a whole year go by without updating once. So much has happened in the past year. I'll update sometime soon.Dan made a post this morning honoring my birthday and I want to...
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